Providing world-renowned physical therapy since 1990
Howard Head Sports Medicine helps people of all ages and abilities rebuild their body and spirit. Working with the world's top orthopaedic doctors and researchers, our patients benefit from innovative physical therapy techniques, state-of-the-art equipment and experienced physical therapists. With 10 locations in Eagle and Summit Counties, as well as the Roaring Fork Valley, Howard Head Sports Medicine will get you back to doing the activities you love!
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Nutrition for Concussion Recovery: Fueling the Brain
Ski and snowboard injuries seem to be part of the sport and are sometimes considered a badge of honor. However, a blo...
Official Medical Provider of USA Teams
Injury prevention and management remains our primary focus with the Premier Lacrosse League, USA Climbing and US Ski & Snowboard Teams.
Tips for Packing Healthy School Lunches
Are Pinterest posts of elaborate school lunches intimidating you to the point of grabbing some Lunchables at the grocery store? Read on to find tips to simple homemade school lunches.